Bored with the old tiles in your space? Instead of removing them, give them a new look. You can convert them into bold and vibrant or keep them cute and cozy. You decide. Whatever you wish, Cornerstone Refinishing is there to help you by providing high quality tile polishing and refinishing service. For now, we are here to suggest some really good ways to turn your old tiles into new ones by just doing a few changes here and there. Make your space look even better and beautiful with these ideas. Thank us later.
The most obvious, the simplest, and the most versatile of all, get your favorite stencil according to the size of your tile and paint your tiles with the colorful design of your choice. If you think that this won’t be possible for you to do alone. Ask for our help. Cornerstonerefinishing is there to help you with our best services.
Use Rugs and Curtains
Now no need to spend so much in changing your tiles into new ones. Just add decent or colorful rugs here and there. This will give your tiles a whole new vibe. Or you can also throw a nice set of curtains which goes with the color of your tiles. This will enhance the look of your space, for sure.
Add Complimentary Furniture
If you do not want to change the old tiles, you can replace the old furniture with the quirky one this time. It will also enhance the beauty of your tiles with a better look. Try out a hit and trial method and go with the one which suits you the best.
Cornerstone Refinishing is there to help you with floor repair, polishing, re-grouting, coating, and refinishing. We can guide you in choosing the best design with our major priority on the best quality and that too in your budget. Feel free to contact us.